Hailing from San Clemente, California, Adam is a 21-year-old senior at USC’s Marshall School, just months away from graduating with a major in Finance. Adam and his neighbor watched the Mighty Ducks movies and were instantly inspired to skate. “[We] watched the [movies] and thought it looked pretty fun. We started out playing in our street and things took off from there.”
At the age of five, Adam enrolled in his first roller hockey lesson. After a couple years he made the transition to ice hockey and has not turned back since. “I love the speed and physicality of the game – I honestly don’t think there is any other sport that compares to the adrenaline rush you feel on the ice.” It did not take long for him to realize that his love of scoring goals outweighed his desire to stop goals from happening, “[Playing] forward was an easy choice.”
Among the numerous hockey memories that he has accumulated throughout his hockey-playing career, Adam cites two particular moments as the most memorable. In 2007, Adam was given the distinct honor of making the Under-17 USA Hockey National Development Camp at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. Later that same year, his team, the LA Selects, made it all the way to the semifinals at their national tournament. To say the least, it was a fantastic year of hockey for Adam.
Behind every success story there is a source of inspiration and Adam has been fortunate enough to grow up with a family full of it. “Both of my grandfathers were successful entrepreneurs with unbelievable work ethics. Their accomplishments are an inspiration to me everyday. My maternal grandparents were also Holocaust survivors. Their resilience inspires me to overcome whatever problems I may face in life. My dad also runs a non-profit and dedicates his life to helping foster children – he is an inspiration to me, as well!”
This season Adam has been a goal-scoring machine and a major asset, with more than 20 goals and 10 assists thus far. Along with his goal-scoring, Adam adds speed and agility to the Trojans’ arsenal.
After he graduates in May, Adam will move to San Francisco where he will work in investment banking. His presence on Trojan ice will be greatly missed!
Get to know Adam:
1. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? This weekend I was scolded by a few girls who were at my apartment for only having hot sauce in our fridge – so there you go.
2. If you could trade places with any NHL player, living or dead, who would it be and why? It would be pretty cool to be Alex Ovechkin – he’s one of the best players in the league right now and it seems like no one in the NHL has more fun than he does!
3. If Hollywood were to make a movie about your life, who would play you? Ed Norton, Leo DiCaprio, and Adam Sandler are my favorite actors – one of them would be awesome.
4. If you could time travel to any time before our own, which would it be and why? I’m pretty happy in the 21st century – can’t live without my iPhone! It would be nice to travel back a few decades to get to know some of my relatives who passed away, that I did not get the chance to meet.
5. Cats or Dogs? Dogs
6. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
7. Favorite pasta shape? Penne
8. What is your favorite language other than your native language? I took 5 years of Spanish in high school and I also know a little Hebrew (would like to learn more!)
9. Your favorite color M&M? I am allergic to chocolate (but my favorite Skittles colors are yellow, orange and green)
10. The Zombie Apocalypse is here! Who on your team survives, is the first killed, the one who has a plan to survive such an event, and the one who has secretly been a zombie all along.
Survives – Hank Griesbach
First Killed – Dave Morris
Has a plan to survive – James Andersen
Was a zombie all along – Justin Bieber
11. Favorite holiday? Why? Hannukah – eight crazy nights!
12. If you owned your own hockey team, what would you name it? Trojans (Team Zacuto is the name of my fantasy team too)
13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
14. Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Not a big fan of the cold
15. Do you have a nickname? Most people just call me by my last name (my roommates also call me Zook or Zooki)
16. Last song you heard? Paradise (Lil Wayne and Young Chris)
17. Most recorded show on your DVR? Either South Park, SportsCenter or Entourage. The annual Victoria Secret Fashion show [...] too!
18. If you were an animal which would you be? Cheetah
19. What is the last book you read? Monkey Business or Liar’s Poker
20. What super power would you have? It would be pretty cool to fly – reading minds would also be awesome!
21. Favorite pick up line? Not G rated
22. Your favorite meal? Chicken Club from Board n’ Brew (sandwich shop in my hometown) or Pedro’s Tacos (small taco stand also in my hometown)